Trifecta Baby!

Back to yesterday’s site to clean up loose ends, and ended up dropping a sixspot, including a trifecta.  Are you kidding me? I don’t get the trifecta all that often, so it is a reason to celebrate.

All I really had left was about a 15 foot section of the embankment from yesterday’s post to finish, plus prospecting in other sections of the town, then the farewell farewell lunch, then a site in a different township that was on my radar.

The embankment section provided a pair of wheaties, which always helps the morale, so I decided to drop down to the flat area by the embankment (despite the fact that it was dead along other sections), and I could not believe my luck.  Deep clad, deep wheaties, and deep silver,  I had 3 mercs after an hour of hunting.  Are you kidding me?  And this is a zone next to a tot lot!  Had the Q by lunchtime, 4 silvers in an hour and half.  (If I hunted tot lots, which I don’t, as an economist/scientist I’d hunt this one just out of curiosity to see if the competition was hunting it like the rest of the park, and blowing off the silver within 10 feet of it).

Blew off farewell farewell lunch to do research at the local municipal building based on activity I saw on the way to site; said research may be the subject of a future entry (and, more honestly, due to the fact that the aforementioned adjacent tot lot was filling with kids and their parents, and even I can get self-conscious; otherwise who but a moron would leave a site with a +2 per hour density?  It was killing me).

But back I came, gridding clad from an adjacent dead zone until the tykes and their parents migrated to Planet Elsewhere.  Good riddance.  I had only one rank of the grid to complete, and pulled the barber, then the rosie for a the trifecta.  All 6 silvers were in a 50 by 30 grid; the highest density I’ve ever experienced, and represented less than two hours in that grid.  And this in a park where the other 97% is completely dead.  In all honesty, I have no answer, but we’ll take it. (Did manage to scratch the barber with the digger; figures I’d scratch the oldest coin — fortunately its just bulk silver).

But, there’s more (admittedly, unrelated to metal detecting).  The Friday Afternoon Album (it is actually Friday afternoon, I think), has to be White Stripe’s covers of Jolene and I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself.  I’ve never had much of an opinion of Jack White’s originals, but his minimalistic arrangements of these covers is working today.  And, lets not forget Never Stops, by Lagwagon.  Its being promoted to somewhere between 3 and 5 on my all time list, and movement in my top 10 is very difficult.  We’ll see where it ends up. This is one damn awesome song.  Are you kidding me?

But, there’s even more —

Farewell Twinkies

You are probably aware of the demise of Hostess Baking, purveyors of 30 brands of junk food, including the iconic Twinkie.  What kid didn’t grow up with these?  I  did.  I went to three stores today looking for the last box of my lifetime, all sold out.  Obviously alot of onetime kids are doing the same thing.  Oh well.

3 thoughts on “Trifecta Baby!

  1. Nice trifecta! Had a detecting question for you on silver vs. wheats. The other day I went to a large park which has been around since the turn of the century. It’s bisected by a road – one side has a sledding hill and one side has a pond. I parked on the road and tried the sledding hill for an hour – not too many signals, 2 wheats, that’s it. Then I went back to the car and for kicks started swinging right on the other side of the curb. Beep – soon clad was coming out everywhere and I pulled a couple wheats at 2-3″ down. Then another wheat. Then another one. Then another. Finished at 15 wheats and 60 clad coins in just 2 hours of digging – but no silver! A few days later I came back and thought “multiple silver for sure – has to be”. But after another 2 hour had about 20 Zincolns, a few clad quarters and dimes (same depth as the wheats), and 6 more wheats, all before 1940, all 2-4 inches down. What would you say about this site – how did it get this way? Zincolns at same depth as old wheats, lots of wheats but no silver, what would you suggest?

  2. I’m not sure. Perhaps it was cherrypicked with an e-trac. I can pretty much skip the wheaties and clad when I want to, and just get the silver. Its more efficient that way.

    I once had a site that was about 15:1 wheaties to silver. I did eventually find a couple. tho. Could never really explain it.

    I’m sure you will find a couple there if you keep working it.

    • Thanks Randy! I went back today and after digging 50 more clad coins, a handful of wheats, and a toasted Indian head – out popped a 1937 merc. Very happy with it – I love finding silver!

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