Hat Trick

Been a while since I dropped a hat trick.  Same site I’ve been working over the past whenever, not the sort of site that gives up the double digit days, but patience and meticulous attention to detail reward the persistent with the shiny, and there is always the chance, tho I haven’t nailed it yet (outside of an abused copper posted recently), of nailing a real oldie.  Its a sparse target, out of the box sort of site, with 1700s usage, which all sounds good; the brutal mineralization tamping expectations, and perhaps finds.

All the silvers were hard.  The first was ferrous affected, sort of like a 35-50 silver, and I was surprised when the merc was in the tailings after digging.  The Q was deep and on its side, but, after 39 minutes of hunting, I had 2 silvers. OMG!  I love gettin’ em early cause it seems the rest of the day is on the house.

Those who read my MD writings, and I think that set amounts to one person, know that Friday is Farewell Farewell day, we detect in the morning, spend all the clad at a local restaurant on beer, beer, and more beer, then do more detecting after lunch (and try to compose the story we will blog when we get home).  My wife joined me today, which made it even more special (despite the fact that she hates beer, we all have our faults, don’t we?).

Its nice on Farewell Farewell day to get some silver before lunch, and even more fun to get some after.  The third silver was also hard. it was the barely legal 64 rosie, just on the edge of the site.  So many silvers are found on the edge of sites; why don’t detectorists go there?

Unfortunately, I failed to compose a story.  Its not that sort of site, as wasn’t that sort of day.  Oh well.  But, the derivation of the term “hat trick” turned out to be interesting; if you want a story tonite, wiki it.

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