
A couple more mercs.  Aren’t they pretty?  You should see the backs of both of them.  In truth, tho, there is no such thing as ugly silver coming out of the ground.

These are from a new site, hunted a couple of days ago.  An old, abandoned farmhouse (as opposed to a new, abandoned farmhouse, I guess).  The site is incredibly difficult to hunt, with tons of wheaties and other high tone trash.

Silver can’t be ugly, but I am going to write today about some non-metal detecting ugliness.  I don’t think I have any readers, so I can write whatever the fuck I want to (of course, I could do that even if I did have readers).  Even the comment spam bots have gone away since I revived this journal and moved it to my other server.

So, I work at a bar, and this dude, one of my customers, hits a woman. I have the bouncer throw him out, and ban him from the venue.  Bouncer and security system saw it all anyway.

Pretty ugly, but there’s more.  This ‘hole claims he didn’t do it, despite multiple witnesses outside me and the victim, and calls me a “racist” for throwing him out and banning him.  He’s lucky I didn’t call the cops, but that call is up to the owner of the bar and the victim.

Well, you hear about this narrative, do something illegal, and if an authority tries to remediate said atrocious behavior, accuse them of racism, and it all goes away or gets worse or muddled, and the original crime is obfuscated, because we care more about the bogus racism claim than the actual original crime. That concept has always been a bit of an abstraction to me, until the firsthand experience.  Of course, he also called the victim a racist.  Remember the victim?   What sick world we live in.

Well, turns out, on top of the actual incidents of this that happen all of over the world all the time, there is an insidious externality to all of this (us economists who work in bars like using fancy economist words (when not working at the bar, of course)), and that is this —

Another victim of this sort of thing are actual victims of racism.  As the din of these bogus “racist” claims rise in these situations, it dilutes the legitimate ones.  A “cry wolf” sort of thing.  So, one selfish ‘hole, who can’t control his temper and thinks hitting women with a security camera rolling is a good idea, causes more damage to the greater good than his pea brain could manage to comprehend.

If he is so concerned about racism, he should shut up, and not cry wolf, but human nature tends to be dark and selfish, and will seek any advantage it can (I wouldn’t be a good economist if I didn’t state this bleak, but true fact), and leveraging the stupid narrative our society is in the process of creating, that every non-white who is accused of a crime is a victim of racism, is one way to do so, at the expense of true victims, and the gullible public buys it hook, line, and sinker.

Well, hopefully I’ll find a wheelbarrow full of silver tomorrow, and I’ll be able to get this train back on the metal detecting tracks.  We’ll see.


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