Some Silver + 1893 Medallion

Back to the site where I found that seated quarter (duh, who wouldn’t), and no more silver coins after a long hunt, but at least a sterling ring.

Then back to another site in my current rotation, an old site that has given up several Indians, and a handful of silvers, including 2 barber dimes, where I am certain I am going to get a real old silver, but today, a 1910 wheatie, a modern silver quarter, and a 1893 Chicago/Columbus World’s Fair medallion to show for a morning of heat and bugs.

And some idiot drilled a hole in the medallion, presumably so they would not lose it.  How did that work out for them?

I did find a picture of it online, but no info on rarity; it is probably a common one, and given its condition, its likely worthless even if a rare one.

Now, why couldn’t that 1893 medallion been an 1893 quarter?

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