Vacation Silver

Just back from a quick stress reduction vacation to New England.  Worked in a lot of things, including some detecting.  I wasn’t sure I’d be able to, but glad I did as I pulled a few silvers.

First site was a small, out of the way park in Connecticut that I hit on Thursday.  I’ve been there once before; I pulled my 10th career silver there, a rosie, in Oct 2009.   Also pulled a CT colonial copper that day.  I was using a V3 in those days.

Anyway, I started gridding out the area near where I found the rosie, and managed to pull 2 more silvers: a badly tarnished SLQ, and a badly worn merc.

Neither were all that deep.  Target recovery was brutal due to lots of rocks and roots.  It was slow going indeed.  Also, another weird thing about this site was that virtually every high tone target came in with an FE number at or above 19.  What’s up with that?  These are almost always a “bulbous ferrous” (like a bolt), but you have to dig ’em cause a silver with a nail can read the same way.  These were neither; just normal high tone coins.

The ground didn’t seem all that mineralized, at least from a ferrous point of view.  It may have had a high saline content (based on the condition of that SLQ anyway), and of course salt may affect the readings.  I dunno.   Every high tone except the merc was like that.  Weird.  Of course, every high tone but the merc was also badly corroded or tarnished.  Who knows? There was no clad, and it is still an active park, so I know it is being hunted, but I wonder if other machines are having trouble with these high FE targets.  The V3 did fine here, FWIW.

Anyway, too bad the site is over 4 hours away.  5 to 20 silver site for sure, just sitting there.

The second site was a large downtown park in an old town in Maine.  I could not find aerial photos online for Maine, but I found a 100 year old topo that showed the park, so I figured I was good to go.

I spent about an hour and a half there on Friday. and got a couple of wheaties, no clad, so the place is hunted regularly and hard.  The wheaties were just in one section; there was bupkis everywhere else, and there was no reason to believe that the evil fill and grade twins had been to the dead sections, and there was nothing really special that I noticed at the time about the wheatie section.

I did have a couple of free hours on Saturday, and tho I figured it would be pointless, I decided to go back and grid the weatie section rather than go to an alternate site.

I did keep hitting deep wheaties, about 8 or so, and was getting frustrated about not hitting a silver.  The wheaties were all about 9 or so inches deep (I measured), which was weird — I rarely get small coins deeper than 6 or so inches around here; just shows how variable conditions are around the country, and one reason why some of those New England folks often get killer finds.  (As an aside, at a North Carolina site with red clay, I couldn’t hit coins deeper than 4 inches)

I figured the silver dimes were just not going to be heard at 9 inches, but eventually I got one.  It was at about 7 inches.  I thought it was gonna be a deep clad, cause as I got closer, the signal went from a CO 46 to a CO 44, which often means it is a clad.  It sounded good tho, and I was thrilled to see that shiny edge in the side of the hole.  This silver was hard work. That makes Maine the 11th state in which I’ve found a silver coin.  Woohoo.

Later, I got a beautiful, deep 10-48 kind of signal, figured it had to be a silver Q, but it was a toasted copper on its side.  Bummer.  I did get a date off it: 1855 largie.  There might be a big fish here, but it would take alot of patience to land it.  I doubt I will ever be back to this town, but who knows?

One thought on “Vacation Silver

  1. Nice! I have only found silver in 2 states. It must be awesome to visit sites that old, heavily hunted and still be able to find the goods. I was visiting kids at college about 100 miles away and had time to revisit a brutal site with clay interspersed with “marl” and pulled a silver FDR on Saturday. I credit the silver I find here to the Etrac. The coins come out of the ground blue, as if being choked under 6 inches of clay and junk for 60 or 70 years.

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